Join Planning
If the plan is good then query performance will be acceptable
Query might have 20 or more joins in it
Postgres - lots of great open source
Pgadmin - simple Postgres admin interface
Tons of plugin libraries
Multi-version concurrency control - multiple cores for concurrent queries
Non-blocking indexes - create and update indexes without screwing up reads and writes to update indexes
Partial Indexes - can index on a subset of of data
Datatypes - boolean, ranges (times), arrays, XML, JSONB, money, blob
Indexes - helps with performance - Btree, GIN, GIST, BRIN, Hash
Extensions - corn jobs, stored procedures, fuzzy matching, postGIS
Episode 496: Bruce Momjian on Multi-Version Concurrency Control in Postgres (MVCC)
Stonebreaker built Postgres for extensibility and its come in handy a ton
I of ACID - Isolation
You interact with the database kind of like you are the only one interacting with the database
Static data is the easiest to work with; volatile data and multiple users is hard;
ACID capabilities make it easier to interact with the database
Isolation - I won't see other people's changes while I'm doing my own work
Complex stuff gets pushed into the database; all of the shared state within the database is easier to manage rather than having applications share everything with eachother
Isolation prevents you from seeing other people's changes while you are doing your own work
Locking as a solution?
One giant lock and prevent anyone from going in while I go in; that doesn't work super well; concurrency is terrible
70-90s databases - approach was lets not lock everything - we will make the locks granular; you would lock a table at a time; when I was in it no one else could get into it;
Then they got to the point where they could lock pages; broke down data into pages - I will modify these pages and then
Some of the databases got to row-level locking; row that I'm modifying
First problem - huge amount of locking; don't really solve the concurrency problem; just chopping it into smaller pieces
Second problem - worse problem. Lock escalation - the database might not know what your intent was; if you locked a lot of rows - then it might lock the whole page - escalate the lock - you could imagine multiple people doing these things together and running into eachother
Early 90's and prior there was a huge issue of lock escalation; as job got bigger it started spilling out into other places
Informix - 1990s; I would run it at 8:30pm; need to guess how big the lock table to make sure you didn't overflow anything
So hard to track these locks
Databases became this ugly thing that was hard to deal with
If all we have is read then everyone can share; if everyone has read and write access its an issue
When you have a single copy of the row, as soon as one dev modifies it its not in the table anymore
All of a sudden - not only the writers were affected but also the readers
Multi-version concurrency control
Different method of doing database updates
The space saving way was to have one copy of the row; the way this paper wanted to solve it - it would create multiple versions of a single row; this seemed ludicrous; could have 5 copies of the same row in the database
The problem of someone coming to read data when someone is updating it; if we create a new version of the row with new data; we could allow the readers to read the old version of the row; at the same time a newer version of the row is being created (maybe committed/or not); makes me able to give snapshots to users in the database; problem of readers getting blocked by writers goes away
A record that gets created when you start your query; once you take that snapshot at the beginning, allows us to distinguish which of the multiple versions of the row should be available to you
Snapshot says which of 5 rows is visible to my transaction; maybe one or none of those is visible
Transaction - read only queries like Select - it doesn't typically get a transaction IDs;
Who has visibility into the data at what time
If someone writes a 1 and someone else writes a 2 at the same time what do I see
It depends on when the query was started
Someone who started a transaction before me or after me potentially could see a different set of values
High write volume requirements -need to split apart visibility concept and let people see different things - that's what MVCC helps you do
What is the algorithm for determining which row to read or write if there are multiple versions of the same row
When you get your snapshot at the beginning, guarantee you see all committed transactions before your snapshot
Corrollary: Any work in progress or work that starts after your snapshot has started will not be visible to me
Readers never block writers; writers never block readers
Readers clearly don't block other readers
What about two writes at the same time?
Writers do block other writers
We have to know if previous transaction completes or not; need to update the most recent version of this row
Have to see newest version of that row; when you try to update or insert a row where a row has been inserted but not committed; we stop the insert or Update until the transaction commits or aborts; we get a lock on it
In some distributed databases you might have some situation were you don't lock
Transaction Isolation levels
Pre-committed - every new statement gets a new snapshot; every query in a multi-statement transaction
Repeatable read - all statements in a transaction gets one snapshot; all queries in transaction see a consistent query
Seriealizable - as you are running through multi-statement transaction you may read some rows (As they are updated); can't update though; will check to see if anything has been modified underneath you while you are running your multi-statement transaction
Dirty Read idea
Discard ACID requirements
I want to see data while its being modified; don't care about my snapshot
It used to be (pre-MVCC) - you would compute the number and just run it and have caveats about number accuracy
MVCC allows readers to read frequently - most of the time it is pretty accurate but obviously its based on snapshot at time of query
Atomicity - important to postgres users; wouldn't want to see changing data as transactions are processing
Extensibility of Postgres - how to add new data type with MVCC
A lot of databases have tried to add extensibility after the fact; Postgres was designed initially for it
Has a lot of system tables that store indexing tables, aggregates, stored procedure languages, custom data types and data types
Define input function, how long it will be, and output function - casting functions to move between data types - not super hard to set up; Postgres fits it into rows and puts transaction IDs on the front
Do most Enterprise databases support MVCC?
Oracle does - take old row and put it into an undo segment - pointers to different versions
Microsoft has it as an option - tried to add MVCC; hard to add retroactively add it; a lot of Microsoft SQL was used to locking procedure
DB2 has it available but not default
Cassandra uses something similar maybe; maybe for MySQL and MariaDB too
Postgres is a bit unusual - just leaves the rows in the table
When did Postgres add MVCC?
We added it in 2001/02
Postgres had the ideal of time travel - see database as of last week; you would keep old versions - allow you to access old versions of the row
Clean up of rows can be hard in high write systems
Clean Up process
Pruning - lightweight operation; removes old versions of the row; as you are doing a sequential scan - you are seeing the transaction IDs and see what was expired by what transaction IDs; if no one can see a specific row - the system will restructure the page and free up the page
Indexes - split two pages (generally expensive transaction) - there were a lot of dead rows in the index - didn't necessarily need to split - could have great benefits to postgres
Auto-Vaccum - wakes up every minute; frees up space in background; query won't really be working with
Garbage Collection is similar
C - postgres written in C; allocate everything and free everything
Perl - language counts references; frees memory when references are 0
Java case - allocate stuff on the fly; garbage collector looks at all objects and says which ones are visible and which ones have been thrown away
Oracle - more similar to Perl - undo segment where old rows go to; manage references to that a bit differently
Storage Space Re-use
Page pruning and autovaccum - taking data that is no longer useful and freeing it up; a page that was 90% full is now less; if pages at end of table are empty - can truncate it down and get rid of pages
Same with indexes too
We don't free up all potential space to operating system - if you delete every other row - we might not free up all of the rows; there is a manual command - vacuum full that could compress it down; but that locks the table so tough to do; a lot of maintenance operations
Can't unsplit a Btree page easily - lock it, create a new copy, and delete the old one
SQL developers
Generally need to know how they work
Write amplification
Struggle with Postgres
Because of MVCC - we issue somewhat more writes than other systems; we have the old and new versions within same page/table and age them out; garbage collection is issuing writes to storage
Hintbits - tells us whether transaction was avoided; we update that at various times
Freeze operations on wrapping for transaction id's
Its a bit more write heavy than other databases
Its getting better but hard to solve without adding other issues
MVCC comes with cost - hintbits, cleanup, freezing on wrap around